Whether you’ve got kids needing attention constantly, pets to feed, plants to water, a new squashed desk setup to get used to or a fridge full of food trying to tempt you, all day, every day, and you don’t even know what day it is (welcome to our world!)… we thought it might be fun to share a few thoughts on how we’re settling in to this ‘new normal’ home life, and tips we have seen from others too
Please add your best ideas & photos below – & share the lows too!
* Exercise – definitely a must every day for children! Get rid of some excess energy! It works well first thing in the morning, but we also like to get outside in the afternoon. Our little ones have been enjoying Ragdolly Anna’s Youtube dancing on the wet days.
* Continuing on the excercise theme, I just read a tip to set up your printer in another room, to keep you getting up and down and not sat on your bum all day. I most certainly will not be doing this one, as with little ones around I am never sat down long enough as it is!
* Music – is great for you (maybe with headphones!) and also for little ones, pop some nursery rhymes on and they will happily sing along for a while….. sometimes! We use BBC School Radio that the girls listen to at nursery sometimes.
* Stay hydrated – multiple cups of tea & squash are the ‘healthy’ options here. And then treat yourself at Wine o’Clock once your little treasures are in bed
* Go with the flow – some days homeschooling won’t go to plan, or the twins will ask to have their bath in the paddling pool…. Sometimes you need to say “hell yeh why not” and just throw some soap and sponges in with them and have a sit down for 10 minutes!
* Be grateful for the little things – the sun shining, rainbow pictures in windows and birds chattering in the Spring. A hot cup of tea and a big smile from your little ones
* Keep a routine – get up, showered and dressed as you usually would (not that the ‘getting up’ part is generally an issue with little ones if you are home schooling!!!)
And remember, just do your best. This too shall pass.