See manufacturing broom handles here! This is the powder coating of our aluminium broom handles.
Our broom handles are ultra light aluminum , with thicker walls so they are much stronger than previous versions we have sold. This is the first stage of manufacture – powder is spray applied to the elecrtostatically charged metal.
The handles are then baked at 200 degrees centigrade to harden the powder and produce a very durable finish.
Lots of brooms in stock now – see this link
#herbiesyardsupplies #equestrianlife #broomhandles #bulldozerbroom #yardbroom #muckingout www.herbieyardsupplies.co.uk
We have so much more than our famous exclusive products (Our Super Bulldozer brooms, Swedish Forks and Mane-ly Long Hair!)…
Stock up on shovels, straw forks, Ragwort forks, and even Teenie Tidee muck scoops for children!
Kids wheelbarrows also in stock in all colours – great Christmas presents to keep them entertained for hours!
Now whilst our Swedish Fork doesn’t come with a bed like this, it helps you keep a lovely one!
In record time too, with minimal bending, and it takes very little effort to lift the poo – thanks to the long ergonomic handle. The tines are flexible and very strong, and perfectly spaced to let bedding fall through but keep poo in! See more and order securely online on our website https://herbiesyardsupplies.co.uk/product/the-swedish-fork-shavings-fork/
We discovered the brilliant Mane-ly Long Hair products a few years ago and were lucky enough to become the UK importers!
For longer, stronger, softer, healthier, shinier & silkier hair then look no further!
Mane-ly hydrates the hair, improving the condition and literally dissolving out stains
ARE YOU IN THE USA? BUY directly from the manufacturers at https://manelylonghair.com/
We have teamed up with Horser & Rider to offer a chance to WIN a fabulous Herbie’s Swedish Fork – together with lots of other amazing goodies!
To enter see the Hore & Rider page
Use coupon code HALLOW5 to save 5% at the checkout 🙂
Save on our superbly effective brooms, Swedish Forks, Mane-ly Long Hair (check out the detangler, it’s the BEST hair product you will ever find!
Just use your coupon by 5th November for your discount.