Complete Fork with Head and Handle

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  • The Swedish Fork is truly a product to make your yard life a little easier! It is an incredibly strong and ultra-lightweight shavings fork at just 900 grams. The flexible tines are very tough and amazingly effective. “Worth every penny. It’s a real game changer for mucking out. Love mine, couldn’t use anything else now

    “LOVE mine, couldn’t be without it, best purchase ever!”

    “I have this fork and wouldn’t use a different one now love it”

    “Must have had mine for a couple of years now…i absolutely love it and would highly recommend this fork

    “Best buy ever…. I’ve used it for pellets, shavings, straw, poo picking and raking leaves from the grass…. 4 years later, still going strong!!!”

    “Best fork ever”

    And from Emily Philp Eventing… “This is the best shavings fork I have ever used, and I’m very picky! The weight and balance is perfect”

    To assist with shipping the forks they require self-assembly after delivery (you will need a 5mm allen key and cross-head screwdriver)

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